About Us
The Central Texas Ballooning Association (CTBA) was founded in 1984 as a non-profit organization.
The main objectives of the CTBA are to promote, develop and aid the art and science of hot air ballooning in Central Texas. The Association provides friendship and camaraderie in group ballooning activities in Austin and the surrounding area. The club hosts a ballooning safety seminar on a regular basis.
General membership meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at Tres Amigos restaurant at the southwest intersection of Highways 290 east and 183 south. A social hour begins the evening at 6:00 PM. Following a short business meeting at 7:00 PM, a balloon related program is given. At each monthly meeting the club presents a program on various aspects of ballooning such as digital mapping, weather, crew training, competition flying, radio procedures, flight planning and slide shows of ballooning events.
Some of our meetings are virtual via Zoom.
Year round, members participate in local flying in the Austin area.
The CTBA is led by a President with officers, a board of directors and several committees to support association activities. The board meets as needed. Elections are held annually. Copies of the bylaws are available to members upon request.
Annual membership dues are $20 per year for an individual and $25 for a family.
If you need any additional information, please leave a message on the association's answering machine (512/481-2822 ) and a member will call you back. Or email us at ctba84@gmail.com
Fill this out if you want us to contact you by e-mail
We are in the process of updating our online membership form and payment methods. If you are interested in joining the CTBA, please complete the form below for additional information.
Join Us
The CTBA is non-profit corporation founded in 1984. We welcome new members. Dues are $20 per year for an individual or $25 per family. Meetings are held on the second Monday of every month, usually at Tres Amigos Restaurant, Hwys 290E & 183S. Anyone interested in the sport of ballooning is invited to attend. Most of the time we hold virtual meetings.
Our Meeting Location: Casa Chapala 9041 Research Blvd. NE Corner of Burnet Rd and US-183